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北京恒立伟业国际展览有限公司成立于2006年,分别在北京、厦门和香港设有公司,至今已有10年的历史。至目前,已在全球各大洲30多个国家和地区成功组织了500多场国际展览和会议。经过10年的发展,公司每年代理130多个国际展会,与世界各大展会的组织机构建立了紧密的合作关系。恒立伟业展览项目涵盖诸多领域,尤其形成了以安防、汽配、暖通卫浴、船舶海事、五金建材、新能源及家电电子为旗舰的系列项目。 恒立伟业是波兰凯尔采市政府中国代表处,也是凯尔采国际展览中心全部60多个国际展览会在中国的总代理机构,负责波兰接洽商业合作、市场投资、出国参展、商务参观等综合服务,为您开拓波兰等中东欧市场提供无限商机!同时我公司也是德国卡尔斯鲁厄国际展览中心在中国的代表处。负责其近30个展览会在华的销售和推广工作。 本公司全体同仁本着热心、专心、恒心的“三心精神”服务于广大中国外贸企业和开展广泛的对外国际合作。我们将为树立品牌形象、创造良好信誉、发展壮大成为国际会展界一个强者的目标而努力奋斗 Headquartered in Beijing with branch offices in Xiamen and HongKong, Heliview International Exhibition Co.,Ltd has established for 10 years. We represent over 130 events annually and in 10 year time we have organized more than 500 events in 30 countrie. Our exhibition business scope includes the categories: security & safety; marine & ship; oil & gas; new energy; hardware & building material; motorcycle and auto parts; HAVC; electronic home appliance. In these industries Heliview is one of the largest agencies in China representing the most leading events. As the Representative Office of the municipal government of Kielce(Poland), and the Representative office of Targi Kielce S.A. We represent over 60 international events in Targi Kielce Exhibition Center. We are also the Representative Office of Karlsruhe-Messen und Kongresse(KMK), Germany , and responsible for marketing and promotion for 30 events of KMK. Being the leading exhibition representative in China, our goal is to deliver a platform with professional service where the Chinese exhibitiors find their way to the target market. 商铺网址:http://heliview.cn.vooec.com
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_heliview.html 主营业务:船舶海事展、游艇展 经营模式:
服务型 成立年份:2006年 |
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